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June 15, 2021

Episode 19: National Museum of the Marine Corps

Episode 19: National Museum of the Marine Corps

For pictures from this episode, click here.

Part 2

For the final installment of our two-part series from the National Museum of the Marine Corps, we meet with Ben Kristy, the Collections Chief and Aviation Curator. We discuss the incredible restoration stories of the World War II Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless dive bomber and the Vietnam-era Sikorsky UH-34D vignette.

It is really remarkable the amount of work that is done at this museum during restoration to make them as historically accurate as possible and we really "dive" into some of the background work done to achieve this accuracy. We even hear about marines being pelted with toilet paper rolls from the sky as they are "doing their business" and a misplaced thumb that causes the breaking and recasting of an exhibit piece.

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